Free instant messaging for Kiwi sports teams
Safer instant messages for your team...
Maybe it's a last minute field change. Or you need to quickly organise a ride to the game. Or you just want to thank your team mates.
With Chat2Team you can easily communicate within your team without the hassle of creating message groups or sending emails.
Use Chat2Team to send a message to everyone without worrying about who’s on the list. Only team members can see the chat.
For players, parents/caregivers
Stay informed.
Figure out car-pooling and who's doing what.
Improve team relationships.
Let coaches/managers know about availability.
Build comradery and team spirit.
Receive reminders of training & practice sessions.
No need to share mobile numbers.
For coaches & managers
Instantly message your entire team.
Notify people of cancellations or changes.
Build team rapport and cohesiveness.
Arrange practice sessions and team meet-ups.
Acknowledge effort after a game.
Remind people to do their drills and exercises.
Thank parents for good sideline behaviour.
Freely available to all organisations using SuperForms or a live scoring app from Sporty.
Team groups automatically defined by Sporty TeamBuilder utility.
Instantly send and receive messages within your team.
Safe environment - only team members and parents or caregivers can join the chat.
Avoid the need for people to install Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp or other apps.
Stay in the loop with push notification alerts.
Easy access - team members automatically receive a Chat PIN to join. They only need to do this once.
It's easy to send a message to everyone in your team and to receive their messages too.
Keep the coach or team updated if players are unable to attend a practice or game.
Easily stay in touch without needing to hunt for mobile numbers or email addresses.
Chatting within a team in a safe environment builds team relationships and rapport.
Fields or game start times can change. Keep everyone informed instantly.
Send reminders of games, practices or events. Communicate duties and tasks within the team.
Each team chat can only be started by a team manager, coach, or scorer/admin for a team. That person needs to firstly login to the Live Scoring App as a Scorer/Official and use a Scorer Code to access the team in the Live Scoring App (they only need to do this once).
They can then start a chat by tapping the Chat2Team speech bubble that appears in their game summary screen. When they send their first instant message it will automatically email instructions and a unique Chat PIN code to each team member.
If you are a team manager, coach or admin and you do not have access to the Live Scoring App for your team, ask your club or school for the Scorer Code for your team and then click the Scorer/Official Login button to register and enter your Scorer Code. Clubs/schools can find the Scorer Code for each team when they click on the team in their TeamBuilder utility from Sporty.
Only members of a team can join the chat for that team. The only way to add people is for them to firstly become a registered member of the team. This could be as a player, coach, manager, scorer or administrator. Once they have officially joined your team, they will automatically be emailed a Chat PIN the next time a team member uses Chat2Team.
Only people who are officially registered as belonging to a team can access the chat for that team. The team chat is visible to all team members, which enables community moderation of chat content by the entire team. Team members cannot have private conversations without - the whole team sees every message. This makes chats transparent and manageable.
Chat2Team also avoids the privacy issues associated with other apps. For example, Facebook Messenger requires people to firstly have a Facebook account which some people do not want (or do not know how to make private). Messenger also exposes individuals to private messages without transparency to the full team. And using WhatsApp requires sharing of mobile numbers, which some people prefer not to do. Chat2Team solves these concerns.
Ask your coach, team manager or whoever has scorer access to the Live Scoring App for your team to tap the Chat2Team button and start a chat. This will automatically email instructions and a link to download the app to everyone in the team. Follow the instructions in the email to get started. They can also use the app to email out a Chat PIN that can be used to access Chat2Team.
The players in our team are children (minors) who we feel are too young to participate in an instant messaging group. Can we exclude them?
Yes. Firstly, access is only granted via the email address on each player’s registration record. For children, this email address normally belongs to the parent/caregiver instead of the child. This enables parents/caregivers to join the chat on behalf of their child so they can keep informed and respond to team managers/coaches if they wish. Secondly, if the email address on a registration record belongs to your child, you can ask the team manager/coach to disable Chat2Team for your child if you wish.
No. Each Chat PIN is unique to each individual team member. A Chat PIN lets you join the team chat using the identify of a known team member. Do not share your Chat PIN with anyone unless you want them to be able to chat on your behalf, such as your parent or caregiver.
Note that your team manager or scorer can always disable your Chat PIN and click to send you a new one if you wish.
I opted out of Chat2Team by clicking the email link to unsubscribe, but now I’ve changed my mind. Can I still join my team chat?
Yes. You can use the Chat PIN and instructions in one of the original emails you were sent. Alternatively, you can ask your team manager, coach or scorer to send you a fresh Chat PIN from their app.
You have complete control over the notification settings of the app through your phone settings, the same as for any other app. So you can disable pop-ups and audible alerts for Chat2Team through your main phone settings if you wish.
Sports registrations are meant to be completed by the participant (or by the parent/caregiver for minors). This is because the person completing the form is required to directly accept the legal terms of registration. However, we’ve heard of a school sports coordinator that has registered students with the sports coordinator’s own email address for all records. This means that each email containing the Chat PIN for each team member will be emailed to the sports coordinator. In this example, the sports coordinator could still let each participant know their Chat PIN and this can be entered in combination with the sports coordinator’s email address to allow each participant to claim their own Team2Chat identity and join the chat.
Support Request Form:
Online Knowledge Centre:
Helpdesk for subscribing clients: 0800 777 876 (PIN required)
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